Friday, July 4, 2014

Birthday Musings

July 4th and I am now 68 years old -- yesterday I was 67.  Seems weird that the passing of one day could make me a year older, but that's the way it is.

I am doing well in retirement.  I recently (April 23) had a total replacement of my right knee and expect to have my left one done before too long.  At a recent doctor's appointment, the scale showed that I dropped another 5 pounds.  Weight loss is going slowly, but it is going in the right direction.  Other than the joints mentioned, I am in relatively good health, Thank You God! I am enjoying getting out and taking pictures more and more.  I have received some positive notes on my Flickr account, I have had a picture published three times in a local paper - my next goal is to win a ribbon in a print contest.

I haven't been able to ride my bike since my knee operation, but I expect to be able to get back to that too, before too long.

My Cousin Anthony Masi died.  Anthony was two years younger than I am.  Rest in peace Anthony.

On a brighter note, my son Anthony married Kristen (Nee Malek) on June 14 with me officiating.  Yeah, I know, but the kids asked me if I could perform the ceremony and, well how could I say no?  They had planned a beach wedding, but as we were on the bridge crossing over to Anna Maria Island, the sky opened up and set a deluge upon us.  In short order my cell phone rang, the ceremony had been moved to the restaurant.  From then on out, everything proceeded without a hitch (except for the obvious).  God bless you, Anthony and Kristen!